Thursday, October 25, 2012 is for sale on SEDO

The domain is for sale on SEDO at: Sedo Offer Page .

Well, if you are not interested to buy but would like to know something more on this issue, please take a second of your time and go there. 

If you are a person (a mother, a couple or an institution of child protection) and are interested to create a web site on the adoption theme, this domain is certainly for you. We are the owners of this name but we are open minded professional domainers that are more interested to sell for the right person(s) rather than to the big domaining companies, the majors and their servant brokers.they have the money but not the sensitivity to deal with this issue.

If you need to see more than a photo or just a pair of words please go to and visit the parked web site. This parked web site is full of articles, information and other resources on the adoption theme, including YouTube videos, photo gallery, twitter (on the adoption discussion) and some others.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Abortion: An issue still controversial


Abortion remains a controversial topic, with crowds for or against and in some cases clashing with tremendous violence. 
We believe however that the most important question in all this is information that should be provided by health professionals and discussed deeply and democratically by society in general, without taboos but without hatred and contempt for beings who have your life interrupted in many cases for political or ideological reasons.

If you are interested to build your own web site on the theme the domain is ideal for you. If you want to buy it, please visit the web site at and read the articles, see the videos and other resources that site has to offer. 

Banner Domains International

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Abortion Center - Controversial but real

Emergency Care in a Health center always close to you
Health is the most important thing in life. It determines all other successes, property and joys that govern our lives. To preserve it, we should care for our own health and the health of our families. Unfortunately there are many cases when problems occur with our health in the most inappropriate time, for example overnight, in the weekend or during any holiday. Then connecting with the General Practitioner is an impossible task.

Read the entire article at

If you are interested to be the owner of this domain and create your web site on this issue, please visit the site and fill the form that is published in there at the top right of the front page.

If you need to see other domains on Health and Medical category, take a minute of your time and visit the Health web page below. Just place your mouse over the banner and let your finger pushing it. 

Banner Domains International